Vera Vigh
Expat Psychologist & Career Coach
What I do
My mission is to guide you in navigating your life abroad, to help you thrive in your new country and culture. As an Expat Psychologist and Career Coach and an international myself, I offer specialized help to my clients in the areas of job seeking or careers abroad, overcoming isolation and loneliness, and dealing with culture shock and anxiety. Is this you? Then get in touch for a free inquiry chat.
Who I am
My name is Vera. I am an Expat Psychologist and Career Coach and an international, probably just like you! I come from Hungary, but lived in The Netherlands for the past five years, and I have currently moved to Valencia, Spain.
Finding work and a career abroad
Job seeking, career planning, career transitions, career advice, and other career decisions.
Overcoming isolation
and loneliness
Finding friends, becoming part of a community, maintaining contact with friends and family
Culture shock, stress and anxiety
Being aware and overcoming of the different stages of culture shock, dealing with stress and anxiety
For companies and organizations
Workshops and trainings on cultural diversity, inclusion and international employment